Availability & Online Booking Service
To check availability and make a booking:
For more advice: please see this document about using Hallmaster.
- Check on a date to see if the hall is available. Please be aware there may be bookings that have not yet been added to the calendar.
- Phone 07754 163217 or 01626 891311 to book or email victoryhallkenton@gmail.com with your request or you can book online.
- To book online, click the cross symbol on your chosen date.
- If you are a new user, you will be asked to register.
- You will receive an email acknowledgement of your requested booking, followed by an email confirmation once your booking has been accepted.
- On confirmation of your booking, you will receive an invoice for the full amount of the booking, plus a deposit of £50 returnable after the event less the cost of any loss or damages.
- On receipt of payment, you will be issued with full instructions and directions of how to collect the key to access the hall.
For more advice: please see this document about using Hallmaster.